WiseCleaner How-To Guides

How to fix Windows issues with WiseCleaner software.
Clean up & speed up your PC & laptop in a few minutes.

Recover Deleted Photos Quickly in Windows 10 with 2 SolutionHow to align the taskbar to the left in Windows 11How to manage Clipboard history in Windows 7How to Check the Windows 11 Compatibility of Your PCHow to See Your Windows 10 KeyHow to remove duplicate files in Microsoft OneDriveHow to use Deep Scan to recover lost filesHow to keep the recently opened records of Word and Excel in Windows 10How to clear the Recent history of Microsoft OfficeHow to keep the record for Taskbar Jump Lists & Quick AccessHow to make use of the screen locker on Windows 10How to Add Move To and Copy To in WindowsHow to Disable Microsoft Edge Pre-launching in Windows 105 Tips to Manage Your Notifications in Windows 10How to Make Windows Delete the Paging File When Shut Down