Context Menu

The right-click menu is also called context menu. When you right-click a file, a folder, or a shortcut icon, you can call up the context menu.

The right-click menu management function of Wise Care 365 can easily close unnecessary programs to let them not displayed in the context menu, increases the operating speed of the system.

You can rearrange the list by clicking the title bar: the Menu Caption or publisher. Click the switch button behind the item to enable or disable the specified right-click menu.


, Indicates that this program is currently displayed in the right-click menu. Click the switch button can disable the display.

, Indicates that this program is not currently displayed in the right-click menu. Click the switch button can turn on the display.

Right-click menu

Right-click a program, you will see the context menu with 2 options: Open file location, Search online.

  • Open file location
    This action will open the program directory.

  • Search online
    It has 3 sub-options, use Google to search for the name of the program, or the description of the program, or the publisher of the program.

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